ADYNE Netherlands - Blog
2019-06-09 22:03 SEITYE

Note of activity report from Germany #SEITYE

Promoter organisation:

Migrafrica (DE)VEREIN FUR JUNGE AFRIKANISCHE UND ANDERE DIASPORA VJAAD e.V. is a migrant-led organisation operating across Germany, which works on integration of refugees and migrants including counselling and language support, cultural mediation training for local volunteers working with new arrivals and capacity building for migrant organisations

Target Group:

We have been working with the following target groups.

  • Refugee and migrant young people originating from the continent Africa
  • Local German young people working with migrant young people
  • Young people in Ethiopia who are recent university graduates who are looking for a job and did not get it. We have trained these young people from 3 different cities in Ethiopia on how to create their own jobs.

Main topics:

Training on social entrepreneurship.


We have implemented two projects within the KA2 time frame. These are the following:

Community-based entrepreneurship:

The following activity mainly focused on training 15 young people with migration background and with out to use the community resources to come up with community-based entrepreneurship that focuses on inclusion of migrants and refugees. The activities also include welcomeship nights that will invite community stakeholders and entrepreneurs to build the capacity for initiatives in self-employment.

Entrepreneurship Plus Ethiopia:

This initiative aimed to train young people in three cities in Ethiopia with entrepreneurship and coming up with their products that are based on agriculture and aimed at adding values to agricultural products with a potential to export to Europe. In this project we have trained 90 local young people from Bahir-Dar, Harrar and Awassa.


The main objectives of the “Entrepreneurship Plus” project are:

  1. Provide information about irregular migration from former refugees and create a space for an open and candid discussion between young people and refugees living in Germany.
  2. Train 90 young people in three cities in Ethiopia with basic entrepreneurship skills.
  3. Initiate systemic changes by facilitating the creation of Entrepreneurship centres in the selected three universities and setting up platforms that will connect German investors with Ethiopian entrepreneurs.
  4. Transfer the lessons learnt to stakeholders at different levels through documents and conferences.

The main objectives of the “Welcomeship” project are:

  1. Get to know each other’s profile and expertise.
  2. Discuss challenges and opportunities in the local context. How to open minds and doors and foster entrepreneurship learning as a tool of inclusion?

Discuss the Intellectual Outputs:

  1. Learning Kit: how to develop the content and methods
  2. Welcomeship Course: specifics of the target group. How can their needs be taken into account?
  3. Tutorial Programme: how to produce simple convincing tutorials
  4. Welcomeship Channel: how to embed the element of advocacy from the very beginning
  5. Guidebook for Inclusive Communities: how to involve policymakers in fostering inclusive communities in the dialogue with residents, young migrants and refugees
  6. Agree on the principles of cooperation, communication and risk management in the Consortium (consensus, commitment, equality, transparency).
  7. Clarify project management and administration questions (Trello; ToT, etc.)

Outcomes and results:

The outcomes of the above activities were:
  1. The training of 105 young people in total in self-employment and job creation
  2. Training is social entrepreneurship and social inclusion
  3. The Ethiopian project led to the establishment of 10 youth enterprises that have social impacts and employment opportunities for young people.
  4. Development of methodologies that will support migrant young people and motivate them to develop their own initiatives.
  5. The transfer of the lessons learned to policy to guarantee sustainable support systems for migrant youth entrepreneurship.