ADYNE Netherlands - Blog
2020-03-19 20:03 SEITYE



Migrafrica (DE) VEREIN FUR JUNGE AFRIKANISCHE UND ANDERE DIASPORA VJAAD e.V. is a migrant-led organisation operating across Germany, which works on the integration of refugees and migrants including counselling and language support, cultural mediation training for local volunteers working with new arrivals and capacity building for migrant organisations.

Target Group

We have been working with the following target groups.

– Migrants from Africa and Syria

– Volunteers and charity organisations

– The municipality and other governmental agencies.

Main topics

Long-term support for social and business entrepreneurship


Locally, through the projects Migractive Plus and Act Now, we are providing long-term and sustained support to young migrants who are interested to set up their own social and business enterprises in the NRW region.

With the MigraAktiv + project, we are pursuing the goal of empowering representatives of up to twelve, predominantly African, migrant organizations (MOs) that provide advice and training in the field of inclusion work in different cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to the close supervision of these twelve social enterprises, we offer ongoing advice for all interested MOs who need support.

With our long-term project, ACTNOW! We are supporting 17 Migrant restaurant and bakery start-ups established by migrants and refugees from Africa and Syria.


The main objectives of MigraAktiv + are:

  1. Support 12 newly established migrant social enterprises in achieving professionalism.
  2. Organise training programs for migrant social entrepreneurs on leadership and organisational management.
  3. Create the opportunity for job shadowing for selected migrant organisations.
  4. Increase the visibility of the contributions of migrant organisations in the field of integration as well as international development cooperation. This is done through large conferences and online presence.

And the main objective of the “ACTNOW!” are:

  1. To develop a methodology on how to effectively support migrants start up their own businesses.
  2. Pilot support programs to help establish 12 migrant-led business and ensure their sustainability.
  3. Transfer the lessons learned to other similar organisations as well as local municipality institutions to guarantee sustainability.

Outcomes and results

The outcomes of the above activities were:

  1. The training of 45 young people in total in self-employment and job creation
  2. Training is social entrepreneurship and social inclusion
  3. MigraAktiv + project led to the establishment of 12 youth social enterprises that have social impacts and employment opportunities for young people.
  4. Through “ACTNOW!” We have supported the establishment of 17 small and medium-sized businesses run by migrants.
  5. We have also developed methodologies on how to effectively support migrant social and business startups and how to sustainably run them.
  6. We have organised events to transfer the lessons learned to policy to guarantee sustainable support systems for migrant youth entrepreneurship.