ADYNE Netherlands - Blog
2016-09-10 17:54 Young Migrants Voices

Young Migrant Voices Phase 1

A training course for boosting participation of young migrants in decision-making processes at local level

Background & Context

DYPALL stands for Developing Youth Participation at Local Level, and as a network it started developing in 2011, to foster the potential of young people to be active citizens and actors of real social change in their local communities as well as in their regional and international realities.

Our experience strengthened our belief that involving young people in decision-making is an intrinsic way to empower them and to increase their sense of belonging and active citizenship. This involvement should include not only the support by local authorities to activities aimed at young people but also a broader dimension, where youth has an active voice and is a fundamental actor of the development of their local communities.

The network itself is built on the principles of creating an effective and sustainable involvement of youth on decision-making with and in cooperation with local authority’s demands willingness and commitment from both parts, but also the development of knowledge, sharing of experience and tools to create and to develop further these spaces of shared decision-making. This demands the development of strategies, building structures and relations of trust and cooperation between actors. This necessity and the similar experiences of several partners, made visible the common need to establish a network that could work in a stable and systematic way on themes of common interest and strengthen the cooperation among local authorities (LA), civil society organizations (CSO) and young people, where the creation of mutual understanding and learning spaces are the main goals.

Among a wide range of diverse but complementary activities implemented by and with its members, DYPALL Network has involved and strengthened the cooperation among municipalities and organisations working in the field of youth at local level. These initiatives and all the different local, national and European experiences strengthened our common understanding that it is crucial to develop a new culture of youth participation, especially regarding the decision-making processes on issues of direct concern and interest of youth. It is essential to look at youth as a forceful and creative source of solutions for our societies that can largely contribute for their sustainable development.

For more information on the network and what we do visit us at:

Training Course

The training will be a space for the development of competencies, dialogue and sharing of experiences among 26 youth workers, local authorities/municipal officers responsible for youth and youth leaders working with young migrants and youth with migrant backgrounds.

Named and shamed throughout political debates and electoral campaigns, the millions of immigrants living all over Europe are completely excluded from the political discourse, hearing themselves called in the news but without any open avenues to respond and express their opinion, becoming the mere subject of the conversation, not the participants. Similarly, young people are excluded from social and civic life and the recent terrorist attacks reminded us of the grave risks of disengagement and marginalisation of youth as the way it reacts can dangerously reach up to violent radicalisation. Overall, the 2015 EU Youth Report highlights young people with migrant background as 1 the 2 groups most at risk of poverty and social exclusion, making them the most voiceless category of all.

Within the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018) and the Erasmus+ Programme priorities, putting into action the funding principles of the European Union (TEU, art 2 and 165), as well as both the 2015 Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education (“the Paris Declaration”) and the 2nd Youth Work Convention Declaration, this Training Course calls for the mobilisation of all those working with youth at regional and local level throughout Europe to better approach, involve and engage young people with migrant background, as no neighbourhood and no city is less affected by the hazard of forgetting its ever-growing population of migrant youth.

Participants will re-think their interventions related to young migrants and youth participation at local level answering questions like:

  • How can institutions better respond to the need of young people?
  • How can they better shape their initiatives to offer real scope for them to become actors and to take decisions, thus concretely encouraging their participation?
  • Are they prepared for the possibility of young people changing the old script?
  • Which support should come from civil society and youth workers to support both parties?
  • Secondly, the opportunities for participation are limited by the sociopolitical context for many young people, where accumulated disadvantage presents them with difficulties in developing personal autonomy and citizen status:
  • Which actions are required by local authorities and CSO to reduce these disadvantages?
  • Which competences and methods do local authorities and youth organizations need to better reach out to marginalised young people and preventing their violent radicalisation?

The working methods used during the training will be based on the principles of non-formal education, intercultural learning, experiential and participatory approach, aiming to easily foster and encourage the inclusion of the participants in the learning process.

The entire learning process will be based on participative and active learning approach allowing the participants space for sharing, exchange and explore new experiences in the area of youth participation at local level, youth policy making and youth work with young people with fewer opportunities..

In this framework, the training is one piece of a longer learning: participants will be asked to structure a “participation project” (or to improve an existing one) to put into practice what they learned during the training, exploiting the practices heard and experienced during the project. This assignment is seen as both a tool for learning, a means of consolidate learning, and also as a concrete initiative that will contribute to improve opportunities, quality and outreach of youth work at local level in the participant's communities.


This project aims at addressing the current gap of participation of migrant youth and young people with migrant background by supporting local authorities and institutions in working with and for them, by offering them the tools and competences needed to involve young migrants in the decision making process. During the training course, activities will be developed to reach the following objectives:

Empower CSO and local authorities to better involve young people with migrant background in their programmes;

  • Improve local and regional integration policies and the competences of local stakeholders to work together (multi stakeholders and cross sectoral initiatives) and with migrants in developing new programmes;
  • Support the integration and the development of a sense of belonging of young migrants in their host communities;
  • Increase the involvement of all sectors, including the private one, in migrant youth integration.
  • Build capacity of municipality officers and youth workers to work with young migrants and youth with migrants background
  • Improve our understanding of youth participation and our work with migrant youth, using non-formal education methodologies, building positive, non-judgemental relationships with young people with fewer opportunities.
  • Design inclusive practices of participation for and with migrant youth, able to offer learning opportunities for all, conceiving, also, the differences as an asset to optimise the complete process and not as a hindrance to own learning.
  • Promote interaction between young people and youth workers who come from diverse backgrounds at home and abroad so that they can learn about other countries, cultural contexts, political beliefs, religions, etc.

Participants Profile

The training course will involve 26 participants with the following profile:

  • Municipality officers responsible for youth, Civil servants or elected representatives from local institutions with responsibilities in youth issues
  • Youth workers and educators from NGOs and other institutions working with young migrants and youth with migrants background
  • Youth leaders and young migrants or with migrant background active in the field of youth participation and social inclusion
  • Researchers on youth issues and migrant youth on local level
  • The participants must:
  • Be able to work in English
  • Be willing to contribute with their experience to the training course
  • Be coming from Austria, Greece, Italy, Latvia, FYROM, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Turkey (No other counties can be accepted at this stage).
  • Be able to attend the whole duration of the training
  • Have relevant experience in the topic of youth participation at local level, young migrants
  • Present the project they are working on, regarding migrant youth and young people with migrant background and/or youth participation at local level
  • Motivated to do follow-up activities after the training

To apply to this training, you must apply together with another participant from the same town/region being a: 1. local youth policy representative (in either youth, social, education and/or employment policies, depending on the local organizational structure of the municipality), working within the municipality 2. local professional youth work manager or senior professional working with and for young migrants, youth with migrants background and young people with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities . Pair of participants should already work together within their own local setting, have expertise in above-mentioned fields and with young people with disadvantaged backgrounds and be able to work together after the training in order to implement the lessons learnt. In the application form, do not forget to mention the participant you are applying with!

Practical and financial conditions

Venue and accommodation

The training course will take place in Odiliapeel, near Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

Arrival day is 15 November, and departure day is 21 November 2016. Accommodation and meals will be provided by the organizers. Any particular need should be communicated at the moment of registration.

Travel expenses

The closest airport to the venue is Eindhoven, hub of several low-cost companies. Participants can also arrive to other Dutch airports and then reach the venue by train/bus. Flights shall be bought only after agreement and confirmation with the organizers. Travel expenses to and from the venue will be reimbursed up to a maximum pre-agreed with the organizers, according to the Erasmus + Key Action 1 rules. Reimbursement will be done via bank transfer after the training.


DYPALL Network will issue an invitation letter that should facilitate the delivery of visas to attend the training course. Visa costs will be reimbursed upon previous agreement with the organizers.

There is no participation fee.

To apply for participation in this training course, please fill in the online registration at The deadline for application is 30 September 2016, latest by 23:59 Central European Time.


The training course is co-funded by the Erasmus and Programme of the European Union, as implemented by the Dutch National Agency.

For more information and

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at